Port Logistics

Freight Forwarder

In recent years, the company has continuously strengthened its cooperation with freight forwarders, fully leveraging the advantages of port and hinterland logistics resources, and continuously strengthening the public booking agency service platform mainly focused on Xinggang freight forwarders. It has expanded its business scope, increased market share, and customized personalized full process freight forwarding services for customers.

Shipping Agent

The company has deep cooperation with multiple companies worldwide engaged in domestic and foreign trade ship agency business, mainly including domestic trade ship agency, port freight agency, non-vessel operation, cargo warehousing and full transportation, handling ship entry and exit procedures, contacting and arranging pilot berthing and loading and unloading; Sign bills of lading and transportation contracts on behalf of others, handle booking services, handle customs clearance procedures for ships, containers, and goods on behalf of others; Undertake cargo transportation, handle the consignment and transit of goods and containers; Collect shipping fees and handle settlement projects on behalf of others.


We provide customized logistics solutions to save transportation costs for our customers. We utilize our own fleet and service providers to optimize our customers' supply chain costs.

Our fleet provides a mixed transportation service of owned and chartered vessels of various types and sizes. Port crude oil and petroleum products comply with strict certification and ship quality regulations, and we provide regular and voyage chartering to ensure efficient and reliable delivery in both cost and time.


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