Port Assistance


The pilotage agencies of various port areas under the company fully leverage their pilotage service functions, relying on the advantages of deep water and excellent ports, to seek steady development of the pilotage industry, taking port demand as the driving force for pilotage development and innovation, with the aim of ensuring safety, ensuring shipping schedule, and reducing costs to serve shipping. They take multiple measures, explore and innovate, and carefully lead. Strive to create advantages in pilotage technology, pilotage talent, and pilotage services, and provide fair, just, efficient, and unified pilotage services for port and shipping enterprises.


The company's tugboat service provides safe, high-quality, fast, pollution-free, and compliant tugboat assistance services for Chinese and foreign ships entering and exiting various ports 24 hours a day, as well as assistance services for nearby enterprise docks and shipyards. At the same time as assisting in berthing operations, tugboats also bear social obligations such as maritime firefighting, emergency rescue, rescue, and maintenance of waterway order. Auxiliary ships undertake services such as water supply, oil recovery, and garbage recovery.


The company's main tally services currently include international and domestic route ship tally services at its subordinate ports, as well as tally services for oil tankers, chemical product ships, and container ships. The company has professional foreign shipping tally companies in all ports. At present, the company is actively promoting the construction of intelligent tallying and has achieved full coverage of intelligent tallying in the port area.


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